Specializing in Custom Made Facial and Ocular Prosthetics


General Information

Q: What types of prosthetics does your company provide?
A. We provide facial and ocular prosthetics for people that have lost effected area due to trauma, disease or defect.  We fabricate custom-made artificial eyes, scleral shells, noses, ears, fingers, toes, and various other types of facial prosthetics.


Q: What follow up services are provided?
A: Generally, little follow up is needed. Patients are advised to return in periodic intervals to check for fit and color and every six months to have their prosthesis cleaned and polished.


Q: Will insurance cover my prosthesis?
A: When provided by a non-physician, prosthetic devices are considered durable medical equipment.  And, since they are prescribed by a physician as medically necessary, they are usually covered by most insurance companies. A Detailed Written Order and last visit notes are required from your doctor or surgeon for the prosthetic rehabilitation of surgically, congenitally, or traumatically compromised patients. Because insurance coverage varies from case to case, please contact us for additional information. Many times, we can secure coverage for our patients.


Q: Is the fitting procedure painful?
A: No, this procedure is completely painless.  If desired, we can numb the socket for additional comfort.


Q: How many office visits will it take to finish my prosthesis?
A: Depending on your prosthesis, you will receive it after 2-3 visits.


Q: Can I see and feel an actual prosthesis?
A: Yes, we have numerous examples of prosthetic of eyes, orbitals, ears, noses, fingers, and toes to show to patients.


Q: Can I see photographs of similar patients?
A: Yes, we have photos of actual patients who have generously given their permission to use their photographs as aids to other patients.


Q: May I speak with a patient you have treated with a similar situation?
A. Yes, we have patients that are more than happy to talk to patients in need of assistance.


Q: Will I be able to participate in day-to-day activities?
A: Depending on your situation, yes, you should be able to participate in normal activities. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your upcoming activity.


Q: Is there anything I should be careful doing when wearing my prosthesis?
A. Yes, there are several activities one should avoid when wearing a prosthesis: avoid smoking as it will stain and yellow the prosthesis, avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight, which can cause color dissolution and weakening of the prosthetic material, avoid the use of strong solvents, such as benzene and xylene, which can cause dissolution and weakening of the prosthetic material, and avoid extreme temperatures which can cause the adhesive to fail. Also, take care to protect your prosthesis against accidental loss when participating in physical activity. For example, place your prosthesis in a safe container or wear goggles when swimming.



Q: What are artificial eyes made of?
A. In the past, artificial eyes were made of glass. Today's eyes are made from a high-quality acrylic or plastic. This makes them nearly unbreakable, capable of being polished to a high gloss, and easily modifiable.


Q: How long after surgery should I wait before having my artificial eye made?
A. A patient may be fitted with an artificial eye about four to six weeks following surgery. This is to allow for adequate healing time of the affected area.  It is recommended that you make your appointment for the prosthesis as soon as you have had surgery.


Q: How often should I remove my ocular prosthesis for cleaning?
A. As little as possible! An eye that is removed daily or multiple times a day will be a source of irritation. This will cause excessive tearing and mucous production as the socket is interpreting the "clean" eye as a foreign body that needs to be flushed out. Usually after several days of wear the eye is coated by the ingredients in a person's tears and the irritation will go away. Assuming the prosthesis is fitting correctly, many people will wear their eye for months at a time without removing it.


Q: How do I clean my artificial eye?
A. The best way to clean your prosthesis is with mild soap (we recommend Dawn® Dishwashing Detergent) and warm water. You can use a soft washcloth to remove any surface deposits. Never use alcohol or any other solvents on the eye as it will destroy it. If irritation persists, a return to the ocularist will be required.


Q: How often should I have my ocular prosthesis cleaned and polished?
A. You should return to your ocularist every six months to one year for professional cleaning and polishing . This process will remove any scratches or build-up that may cause eye irritation and ensure that the prosthesis remains comfortable.


Q: Can an artificial eye change the shape of a person's eye socket?
A. Changes to the eye socket will take place, especially after surgery and placement of the prosthesis. These changes often require additional adjustments to the prosthesis.


Q: What is the life of an artificial eye?
A. There is no set lifespan for an artificial eye. Some will fit well for as long as ten years; yet for others, changes to the socket will require a re-impression more frequently.  Most insurance companies allow a new prosthesis every five years.


Q: How often should a person return to their Ocularist for follow up?
A. Artificial eye wearers should return every year to have the fit of the prosthesis evaluated and to have it cleaned and polished. Since the socket will change and in order to keep the prosthesis as comfortable as possible, it is important to return for follow up visits.


Q: Can I sleep in my ocular prosthesis?
A. Yes, you can sleep in your prosthesis. It is recommended that you always leave in your prosthesis.


Q: Can I swim in my prosthesis?
A. Most people can wear their artificial eye safely while swimming; however, to prevent accidental loss, you should wear swim goggles or remove the prosthesis and store it safely.


Q: What limitations should I expect?
A. Basically there are not limitations in wearing prosthesis. An implant retained prosthesis gives the person more freedom than an adhesive retained one, since the adhesive may break down resulting in the prosthesis detaching from the skin.


Q: How often should I clean my facial prosthetic?
A. You should remove your prosthesis from your skin daily to keep your tissues healthy and to maintain hygiene.

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